Psycho Magnet
It's been a totally hectic month. but i still owe it to blogspot to post something up in order to justify my speck of space on this Wide Wobbly Web. lately i've been busy being a... Great Buddy met up with a lot of ex-school mates, ex-uni mates, ex-colleagues and so on. we had fun planning activities like bowling, BBQ, "lamsing" and even "yamsing" *wink wink* suddenly realized i can't remember the last time i went shopping, as in really hitting the shops. Starbucks Kaki there's something about the new Java Chip Frappucino that got me addicted. i have been having my weekly 1000-calory dosage of java chip frap for the past month. And i don't even like Starbucks in the first place. Lousy Girlfriend i'm totally infuriated and bewildered by this guy... let's call him D. as it happens D asked me out last week. since the last time we met up was more than half a year ago, i tot it would be a good idea to catch up over dinner. after that one bri