
Showing posts from March, 2009

The Stork Finally Arrived

After weeks of impatience and a ton of pain, my little girl finally came out to brace the world. There wasn't a lot of emotion or tears on my part, because i already love her wholeheartedly for nine months, i'm just glad to be able to hold her in my arms instead of "smuggling a basketball" as some people puts it. Confinement - is the worst. My advice would be marry a non-(traditional) chinese, and marry as far as possible from your traditional chinese family. but that, would only relieve certain parts of the discomfort, as there are still plenty of issues to deal with. I had to put up with stomach cramps, heavy bleeding, painful urination, sore spot down there due to episiotomy, bleeding from breastfeeding, breast engorgement, backache etc. on top of that, everything i eat has to be cooked with ginger, wine and eaten hot, so after each meal i'm sweating like a tap. my hair stinks and i begged my mom everyday for a proper shower (with soap and shampoo!). Less than