
Showing posts from December, 2006

A clean experience

it was 8 in the morning, and 3 guys were peering closely at me over breakfast. "She still looks the same without makeup." they concluded approvingly. "Very dark eye circles though..." one guy added. today is the third day of our training and we get to experience the clean room. one is NOT allowed to enter the clean room wearing skincare product, makeup, nail polish, hair product or perfume. worst is, they could be subject to termination if caught. all the guys are really excited to don the masks and bunny suits (and to see girls in their so-called "original" form), but the girls are not so psyched due to obvious reasons. took me a lot of courage (and hesitation) to step into office sans makeup. but the great experience made up for it... just imagine a huge room where the number of particles can actually be counted and controlled, we are talking about 0.5 micron in size here. isn't that amazing? yes, i do realize i'm sounding like a total geek.

A New Chapter

adjusting to a new work environment, one as big as this, is definitely not an easy task. i miss my old company, the familiarity, the flexibility, Internet access, wide comfy cubicle, my lovely colleagues, my humorous boss etc. oh gawdd... i just feel like running back to Tech Park everytime i see this picture (taken on my last day). no idea why my desk still looked so messy even though i've already packed two boxes of stuff. fyi, i purposely wore baju kurung (ironically for the first and last time) just to show my malay colleagues how much i feel like part of them. after two days of working at my new company, i've learnt a couple of hard truths. first, there will be NO Internet access except for company mail checking. second, nobody gives a damn what you wear to work because your 3-inch stilettos will be immediately replaced by flat, white anti-static shoes once you enter the building and your expensive fitted shirt will be covered by dark, loose-fitting anti-static smock half