
Showing posts from May, 2006

Karma's a bitch

remember the stupid traffic light near my workplace that i mentioned in passing? being such a good multi-tasker *ahem* while waiting for the first red interval, i would line my lips and apply lip gloss... second red interval, comb and tie my hair and so on. it would take about 3 intervals before i'm good to go (told you it's stupid). as it happens, this morning i was queuing at the traffic light junction, performing my usual morning routine. out of the corner of my eyes, i saw the black Waja in front me reversing (it's quite a hilly slope) towards me. i honked hard and tried to reverse at the same time but the car behind me was too close for comfort. and *thud!* it hit my poor baby *wails for a good 5 minutes as the author relives her tragic accident* i stormed out of the car, as did the idiotic driver who's probably still strung out from a weekend of weed party. weed addict (in cantonese): what happened? my car didn't even budged! [oh the nerve of him. my simmerin

Vanity Fair

out of sheer boredom, i did a bit of tinkering with Photoshop CS. hah! i've finally managed to unearth my hidden talent *insert self-congratulatory pat* the one above is actually done by my sister, so i thought i could do as well as, if not better, than her. right now i'm only experimenting with filtering and saturation. so take a step back and admire my handiwork ;) the original photos are all posted in my previously-mentioned Multiply website.

Men from Mars

men! *to be said vehemently* i just don't understand them. i have a feeling someday i'm gonna end up being a lonely, cellulite-thighed, virginal spinster with 10 cats *eeeek!* remember the guy who left a note on my windshield? what i did not mention is another guy left a cute note on my car too (guys, this pick-up trick is getting abit old). However, curiosity got better of me this time and somehow we got to know each other. everytime i went out with this guy, he chains smoke like he's trying to break some Guinness record. it's disturbing to see ppl smoking like that okay. but he was kinda shocked when i asked how many packets he consumes per day. according to him, he usually smokes 2 sticks a day, unless when he's extremely nervous i.e talking to moi . i think i'm as intimidating as a rabbit lor, but on the safe side, i should probably stop going out with him before he kills himself with lung cancer. another guy i seriously don't get is my colleague. he he