Save Babe!

that's it... i'm swearing off chinese restaurants for the rest of the year. for my company's annual dinner last friday, we've booked a private suite in Imbi Palace restaurant. i deeply suspect this is a ploy for my bosses to sing their hearts' desire in the privacy of a room. as if it wasn't bad enough to listen to bad karaoke, all of us had to clap loudly (and enthusiastically) everytime after any manager/ director ends a song.

just when i thought the night could not get any worse, the waitress served a huge platter of suckling pig... complete with the piggie head. NOOOOOoooo!!! how could anyone have the heart to actually devour the poor helpless piggie?? instantly i felt as if i was relieving my childhood trauma once again.

back to the story, my bf's parents invited me for dinner at Tai Thong last nite. once again, i was forced to come face-to-face with (u guessed it..) another poor suckling pig. apparently it is the restaurant's Dish of the Month so u can see piggie's head on almost every table inside Tai Thong. for an "artistic" touch, the chef placed a cherry on each of the piggie's eye.

Babe is not only about char siew and pork ham....


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