Let Me Go Home

last night i went berserk and bought 2 bottles of Evian that set me back about 2.4 dinars. the high sodium content in locally bottled water is killing me! imagine a sodium content of 49.5 mg/L versus Evian's 11 mg/L... no wonder i'm suffering from symptoms of hypertension.
water aside, i'm loving the weather in Bahrain. cold enough to parade my new jackets hehe, but not to the extent of causing frostbites. it's a wee bit dusty though, my black suede boots are turning into tan color, gawd, just like everything else here.

i still don't have time to browse the Souk (something like Arabian bazaar), make a short trip to Arab Saudi (which is only 20km away) and go window shopping at the exclusive Seef District. i heard that the cheapest item at Seef is a 50 dinar pair of shorts. i guess the rich Arabs probably buy a dozen at one go out of shamefulness.

my boss actually consoled me by saying that we'll return to Bahrain again at least once or twice more -_-'''

btw, he fell sick today and i had to call the hotel reception for a cab.

me: do you know where is the nearest clinic?
receptionist: what do you need?
me: i need a doctor please.
receptionist: alright we'll send someone up shortly.
me: wow... really? you will bring the doctor here?
receptionist: yes, someone with the doctor.

and i thought to myself, the Bahrainis are a super efficient and helpful lot. when the doorbell rang 5 minutes later, a bellboy stood at the door and gave me a 3-way power plug. i stared back at him stupidly...

"You asked for a conductor, no?"


Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHAHA! funny funny funny... ur so luckkkky to get to go overseas =)

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