Hoping for Eternal Sunshine

i'm grateful for...

the special someone who accepted me despite my faults, put up with my nonsense, waited for me during the darkest hour and still loved me after being hurt so many times.

my loveliest BFFs who are always there for me irregardless of distance, never too quick to judge, and supported whatever my decision may be all the way. luvya babes!

i'm hoping for...

a holiday. even a local destination would do. unfortunately all my leave applications have been rejected :(( i thought i would stand a chance if i apply during the Raya week since 80% of the company population will be taking leave too. when the big boss found out, he reprimanded me, "Kathlyn Lee Abdullah, why are you taking leave on that week too?" DAMN damn damn. so the conclusion is, i'm not allowed to take leave unless i change my name to Khatijah.

a new job. i'm seriously getting tired of my current job. i know i shouldn't bitch bout it since i'm considered luckier than most but i really need a change of environment.

Bf commented the other day, "You get tired of things pretty quickly huh?"
i shot back, "You of all people should know better." (Hee!)


charzylicious said…
treasure the one who share ur laughter and tears, the one who walks u thru ups and downs, the one who accept you for who u are and whats with u... is easy for us to find someone like this, but is not easy for that someone to hold his belief strong and firm...if you ever found him, grab him and make him urs, treasure him, appreciate him...tell him that u care and work things out...

love is in the air...

all the best to you babe..

Mz said…
haha, kai.. asked u to go redang with us the other time in aug u don't want. now dat has become one of our best holidays in these few years lor.. keke

i don't need a new job, i just need one.. hehe

i get tired of things really quickly too.. n i get super bored being alone at home. haha

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