I'm on the other side and I can tell you it's no fun

That's it. I can't stand it anymore. I'll have to shoot the next (non-single) person who tells me that being a single girl about town is "so much fun".

Who do you rely on to carry your heavy shopping? Who do you call when you are hopelessly lost on the road? Who do you "pretty please" when some menial task needs to be done? Who do you hug and never want to let go when everything goes wrong?

I have not been completely open to a lot of people, primarily because the reasons behind the break-up is very personal to me. To explain them is akin to dissecting my heart, i.e extremely painful.

When a colleague unknowingly brought up the topic during new year's eve, "How will you be celebrating with your bf?", from my devastated and awkward expression, he actually jumped to the conclusion that i was dumped. Which suits me great, because in this case people usually feel too sorry for you and will not further embarass you with more questions. So i sort of allowed him to think he was right, that's not the same as lying isn't it?

And so the word spread. Imagine my surprise a few days later when another colleague came up and said, "There's nothing to be ashamed about being dumped. Actually now i find you very sexy and vulnerable."

Oh-kay, what have i done???

The best part is, instead of being demoted to social pariah like i originally anticipated, i actually received offers to be my rebound boyfriend. No wonder guys like to play the pitiful puppy card when trying to score girls.

In all ernesty, the hardest part of being single is learning to love thyself. I looked back and realized that i have not been single for more than 3 months since i turned sixteen. This is a great chance for me to take the plunge and do whatever i want to do, be whoever i want to be without anyone holding me back.

Ah, great speech.

The real reason behind this post is because its 5AM and i couldn't sleep. The catalyst for my insomaniacal side is that i want/need/have to know who is the girl who could replaced me so easily. how could he moved on so fast when i'm still struggling to forget?


I can be such a hypocritical bitch at times.


Xian said…
there there *pat on back*
time heals all wounds, cliched but true. i don't want to say too much here, as i don't really know the whole picture and don't want to end up sounding trite.

but to help you sleep better at night, i can suggest two things:
1) try googling or friendstering the girl? the wonders of the internet for cyberstalking
2) try some wine/whisky/vodka (screw the warm milk, unless u mix some malibu in it)
Anonymous said…
u wait u wait! i come back next weekend and find out who this "rebound" female is for you.

actually why is it hard. you too can have a string of dates with hot smart men.

good girl. get that bottle of kahlua in the old house la. verrrrry nice.
Bubbles said…

actually i spent the wee hours pestering my friend to do the dirty job (friendstering/ facebooking) becos i didn't want to be labeled as cyberstalker.
Pretty Piggie said…
I'm a bit too late to comment, aren't I? I've felt the sting like you did... knowing someone moved on before me... but hey... can't expect ppl to moan and groan over you... need to be thankful that they'd moved on rather than continue hounding you.

So much for celebrating your new single life eh? ^_^ It's fun to have a brief moment of freedom... but like I once said, long ago... love is like asthma medication :P You needed it to cure your ailment (need to someone to love), when it's cured, you thought you could to without it (fall out of love)... then the bloody asthma attacks again (feel lonely and need to love again) :P Haha... please ignore my crack induced theories... hehehe!

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