The frugal woman

sorry about the temporary lockdown, i was suppose to be working on a new layout in conjunction with the new URL, but as usual nothing ever gets done because the author is easily distracted. and boy, does she gets distracted by shopping lately.

so i woke up the day after my birthday, realizing with a shock that my credit card payment is due tomorrow. wouldn't it be great if banks can provide gift vouchers for well-meaning friends who can't decide what to give as a birthday present, so that they could help pay their friend's bills? i definitely would not mind receiving those "gift vouchers" :D

back to the story, it wasn't that much of a hassle to begin with, i would usually just go online and do an interbank money transfer. but that service would cost 2 bucks, i mean, 2 bloody bucks per month to the bank for doing practically nothing! since i didn't have plans this afternoon, i could easily save 2 bucks by driving to the bank and deposit the cash myself.

and especially after disclosing the absurd sum of credit card bills that i've been getting to my BFF, i can finally redeem myself through this act of frugality! so i drove all the way to Uptown. while searching around for parking, the reflections of the sun on the huge Starbucks logo caught my eyes. paying bills can be a real pain, i absolutely need a Java chip frap to cheer myself up.

next stop, ATM machine to withdraw cash so that i can deposit it into HSBC. on the way back to the car, i passed by a little boutique which seems to carry really cute clothes. one hour later, i stepped out of the boutique with a skirt, two tops, an empty Java chip frap cup and half of the money meant for paying HSBC.

I think being frugal is doing me more harm than good.


DanielleDajerk said…
Did you realize... Without your accidental shopping spree and cuppa java... Driving all the way uptown is already more than RM2.... So you were better off doing it on your computer in the comfort of your own home :D

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