
*someone helpful pointed out that its warfare... not war fare. oh bad.

i survived Banseke! although i came home after 4 days of camping with bruises n scratches, but at least i'm still in one piece. and trust me, it was FUN FUN FUN. when someone like me endorses camping, leeches and white water rafting, you have to believe it. when i first got to Jeram Besu, i still wailed everytime i broke a fingernail. towards the end of the program, i was plucking leeches and flicking it away like a pro. such was the transformation in me... no matter how temporary because...

the kat u know have already booked an appointment with Kuku Bar for some serious nail repair after work today heheh.

anyway the highlight of Banseke was the guerrilla war fare. three teams were sent into the jungle at 4pm with a sole mission - to retrieve government documents stolen by the guerrillas within 24 hours. we had bombing frenzy throughout the whole night with the orang asli (who were acting as guerrillas). but it was tough to beat them cos they grew up and lived in the jungle wherelse we were city rats. i almost kena forced to become the Tuk Batin's fourth wife after our entire team was bombed dead by orang asli. i'm not really sure if the tuk batin was serious or he was just play acting.

finally the 3 teams decided to form an alliance and we managed to win the war against the guerrillas at 2am. by that time i was dead tired, hungry and stinky from the bombs. aaarrghh!

Ayu, Dawnn and me sitting outside Dawnn's tent at our base camp

Me doing abseiling from a 20 feet high platform. i almost vomited my lunch out when i look at the ground. but it was so exhilarating that i did it 3 times!

so did the motivation camp work? yep, i came home wiser, tougher and with a renewed sense of motivation.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
mana lu nak cari adik se-best macam kite? dah boleh kommen tau? jugak dah fix tu min hui punyer tag-bod-ah. aku punyer bm dah semakin malaisian. ooi, lu ni baik hati sikit la, pi kommen kat kite punya blog!

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