Adventures of Patchy The Dog

This dog here gave me the workout of my life. what a bitch! (pun intended hee!) if you want cheap cardio and toning exercise, i suggest you get yourself a dog... a big one.

as it happens i was reversing my car from the porch, kinda in a hurry to get to Bangsar. usually patchy would have a quick jog around our street, and run back into the house again when i called for her. however this time, she ran all the way to the next street without a warning. eeek!! immediately i locked my car and chased after her, in 2-inch heels and everything.

the more i called out to her, the further she ran away. she thinks its a game or something because i swear there's a smirk on her furry face. finally at 3 blocks from home, i grabbed her and attempted to carry her home. all i can say is patchy's no chihuahua. i mean after all the bacon and cheese sticks that i fed her, my arms were shaking when we made it past 2 blocks of houses. so i put her down for a second to give my arms a break, and off she ran again.


a few passerby seemed amused by this slightly demented woman with her (newly-dyed) hair in disarray and white fur all over her top swearing by the road side.

i marched back home and told my sister to take care of the Big Bad Dog because i sure can't walk anymore. she obligingly went out with a leash and returned with patchy less than a minute later. gee, that seems kinda too easy.

but still, no more bacon and cheese sticks for patchy! hmmphf!


Anonymous said…
now u noe. how'd u think i bring her to the vet anyway? where she's convulsing of fright and car sickness, i'm shaking with fatigue.

good luck and keep feeding my baby. maybe when she's contented, she'll stay put. and PLS. ask someone to jaga the door when cars reverse out the porch. my dog isn't spayed.
Anonymous said…
haha devil dog.. shouldve named her Lilith.. my dogs do the whole run out to the next HOUSING AREA many many streets away when they escape and chasing TWO dogs is never fun. Imagine if you owned a big dog like an alsation or something.. woo.

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