Psycho Magnet

It's been a totally hectic month. but i still owe it to blogspot to post something up in order to justify my speck of space on this Wide Wobbly Web. lately i've been busy being a...

Great Buddy
met up with a lot of ex-school mates, ex-uni mates, ex-colleagues and so on. we had fun planning activities like bowling, BBQ, "lamsing" and even "yamsing" *wink wink* suddenly realized i can't remember the last time i went shopping, as in really hitting the shops.

Starbucks Kaki
there's something about the new Java Chip Frappucino that got me addicted. i have been having my weekly 1000-calory dosage of java chip frap for the past month. And i don't even like Starbucks in the first place.

Lousy Girlfriend

i'm totally infuriated and bewildered by this guy... let's call him D. as it happens D asked me out last week. since the last time we met up was more than half a year ago, i tot it would be a good idea to catch up over dinner.

after that one brief, innocent dinner, all hell breaks loose. he began to text me, burn DBSK cd for me (piracy!), call my office line so i have no choice but to pick up, bug me over YM etc. to prevent being accused of sending the wrong signal, i retaliated by appearing permanently offline to him on YM, ordering an original DBSK cd from the store, in short, everything a girl tends to do when she senses a desperado.

coupla days ago, D called and started apologizing bout making me misunderstood, actually he only wanted to be friends. he knew that i am (doing everything in my power) avoiding him and he feels sad about the state of our friendship. all this while i've been acting like a horrible bitch to him! and a really perasan bitch at that. so i explained that i wasn't actually avoiding him, just too busy to the point that i cant reply any sms and have to appear invisible to everyone on my YM list (bleh...i'm such a good liar).

and then D said, "i'm so happy that we can solve this misunderstanding. actually i tot u got mad at me becos i secretly followed u home after dinner that night. i was just worried about ur safety. And i gave that CD to cheer u up becos u seemed very tensed lately. And the other night i did not purposely buzz u on YM. just as it happens i want to listen to free radio and i saw u online. i scared u might be mad at me if i dun keep u company blah blah blah...."


and he went on to explain every single scenario where he suspect i might "misunderstand". err does this guy keeps a log of our meeting minutes or what? that's it... i'm not going anywhere near him with a 10-foot pole evar.

is it really that difficult to have platonic friendship with guys?


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