Return of the Roaches

ever since i moved back to home sweet home, my roaches incidents have been thankfully far in between, except for the times when my boss tried to scare me with rubber cockroaches *roll eyes*

as it happens, i was having meeting at client's office (huge, relatively new and expensive office mind you). as usual, food was aplenty (i suspect meeting is just a ruse to eat) and we were eating fried noodles, kuih and teh tarik served in a thermos jug. suddenly, i saw a baby cockroach crawling on the thermos like nobody's business, so i frantically pointed and waved for attention but no one seems to be as alarmed as i am. finally one of my client casually flicked the cockroach away and continued eating.

at this point, i have no more appetite to eat even tho its a just a tiny roach... if its a huge one i would have ran screaming for the nearest fire exit. so i drank the teh tarik instead and tried to keep that disgusting thing out of my mind... i mean...maybe it somehow climbed in by the open window?

and it was then i saw an even tinier cockroach crawling about the thermos jug. it took me 23 years of self control not to spit out the teh tarik in my mouth. OMG it came from inside the thermos! imagine the number of larvae happily hatching in my stomach now.... wanna cry already! what a total nightmare!!!

not surprisingly, i had diarrhea for the past 3 days. everytime my stomach churns i think of little roaches. i wonder would any doctor layan me if i request for x-ray just to make sure? hard to stay sane nowadays.


Mz said…
ach! i would have lost my appetite too, tiny roaches or not so tiny. but i think ur diarrhoea was probably psychological?? i mean, i'm sorry to hear dat, but livin in m'sia, i would've thought all our stomaches COULD actually stomach all those food roaches walk on.. ew.. now i'm sick, jz came home from a full dinner.. :(

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